LIVERPOOL BEACH CLUB: The fallout of the infamous Beach Ball Goal continues, as the dumbass referee who thought the ball was Jamie Carragher was
demoted to the Championship and universally ridiculed for making an error even a kampung referee wouldn't make.
In other made-up reports, with his star striker out of action for a couple more games, Rafa Benitez has become so desperate that he is looking to sign the beach ball that scored the winning goal against Liverpool at Sunderland last week. According to him, "Ball, Babel, what's the difference. Neither one does jackshitballs anyway."
However, Rafa faces stiff competition from Men.United manager Alex Fergit was looking to sign the beach ball for 20 million pounds to replace his striker with no balls, Dmitidak Berbola. Unfortunately, being the short-sighted git that he is, Fergit could not tell which ball it was that scored the goal, so he sent his
legions of Men.United to go buy every single ball in the Liverpool shop instead.
In other unfounded reports, former Everton player Michael Ball was heard speaking proudly to reporters about his distant cousin, Beach, who scored the winning goal against Liverpool. "Us Balls have always been good at these things," he said, ignoring repeated questions about the time HE missed the ball
when it bounced off a balloon, and allowed someone to score a goal against him.